Calm waters...looming dark grey skies
A slightly violent touch as the wind caresses our faces
A subtle warning...a silent sign
A time to pull back the sails?
Perhaps, a time to fear? Redirect our course?
Or a time to appease the god of the sea - Poseidon?
Unfriendly shots fired
Hitting too close to home
The wounds are shallow but blood is drawn
Only a few left to cater to the wounded
A time to retaliate? Lift arms in protest?
Perhaps we should maintain our smile? Cower in the face of a seemingly superior adversary?
Or maybe seek the assistance of a higher power?
Frozen hearts tickled
Sleeping beasts repeatedly attempt to awaken them?
Multiple voices whispering....stirring up buried emotions
The melody of the voices too beautiful to be ignored
A time to arise from slumber? Allow frozen hearts to melt?
Perhaps we should draw closer? Make contact? Question motives?
Or maybe we should ignore? Let sleeping beasts lie and frozen hearts stay frozen?
Two hearts dearly loved
Each upping their ante
The quest to be heard ever so loud
The competition raised....the stakes raised even higher
A time to end this? Make a choice and sail away into the sunset?
Perhaps we should let this linger? Reap all the benefits they present?
Or maybe it is time to walk away and start afresh?
Indeed Poseidon's call sounds loudly in our ears
A storm is coming
And things will be not remain the same
For regardless the path we choose
A war is inevitable
One that will awaken beasts and melt frozen hearts
And in the end...we will have to choose
For not even immortality can delay this any longer!